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User Guide

A step by step guide for searching for visa information on our site:

The following procedures apply to these countries only: Saudi Arabia

1. Click on your selected destination (country you want to travel to), on the flag in the quick-search section or for Saudi Arabian section - select your language above the flag.
2. Choose your language of preference
3. Review the first section for the information and requirements of the visa type which you would like to apply for
4. Review the second section for the prices and processing time
5. In the application form section, download and fill all the proper forms including the mandatory "applicant information sheet"
6. Once the forms have been fully completed, send them along with your ORIGINAL passport, required documents, photos and payment information to the address at the bottom of the page.

For all other countries:

1. Click on your selected destination (country you want to travel to), on the flag in the quick-search section or for Saudi Arabian section - select your language above the flag.
2. Click on your selected nationality (the passport you want the visa to be put in)
3. Click on "CONTINUE"
4. Highlight and click the type of visa you are applying for
5. Read the requirements and decide the level of service that suits you
6. Click on "INFO SHEET" (must be printed and filled out)
7. Click on the appropriate application forms (must be printed and filled out)
8. Once the forms have been fully completed, send them along with your ORIGINAL passport to:

AA1 MSQ Visaenterprise Ltd.
151 slater st. unit 707
ottawa. ontario canada
K1P 5H3